Tuesday, November 1

Taller de Acompañamiento para estudiantes a Recuperar 4 periodo

Good evening,

Here you have the Taller de Acompanamiento to the students who didn't pass in Science, Social or Math.

Remember, the exercise should be delivered to the teacher on the day of the Recovery NOVEMBER 15th.

Taller 8th Grade

Have a nice week and Good Luck!

Teacher Lays Medeiros

Sunday, October 9

Homeworks from week October 10th to October 14th

Here you have the Homeworks from week October 10th to October 14th, they must be done on the day they are written and brought to the teacher the next day:

5th Grade
Monday - Research about an English Important Date
Tuesday - Research about an English Typical Food
6th Grade
Monday - Research an image of the Solar System
7th Grade
Monday - Do the English Guide about Prepositions
Tuesday - Do the English Guide about Reported Speech
8th Grade
Monday - Do the Science Guide about the Solar System
Tuesday - Do the Science Guide about the Earth

Have a Nice Week!!

Teacher Lays Medeiros

XVIII Cultural Week

a.    Hello Students,
       I am here to remind you of the XVIII Cultural Week that will take place on the week of Oct 18 to Oct 21, and make an especial invitation to the Open House that will happen on Thursday, October 20 on the Cultural Week.


Guias 4th Term

Here you have the Guides we've been working with in class. In case you missed a class, or you lost your guide here you have them so you can print them again!

Guide 8th Grade - Princess Diana

Have a nice week!

Teacher Lays Medeiros

Friday, October 7

Congrats to the hip hop group and the cheerleaders

Kids Month!!!

Thursday, September 22

Jueves de Pruebas Social, Science and Math 4th Term

Hello Students,

Here you have the Jueves de Pruebas from 4th Term. Don't forget they represent 35% of your final grade, so it is very important for you to do it.
This should be handed to the teacher on SEPTEMBER 29th. It will not be accepted works handed after this date.

Here you have the conditions:

- Hojas y carpeta blanca.
- No se olvide de imprimir el trabajo del blog y agregarlo en el inicio del Jueves de Prueba.
- Hoja de presentacion ( con nome del estudiante, del profesor, de la materia y la fecha).

Jueves de Pruebas 5th Grade

Jueves de Pruebas 6th Grade

Jueves de Pruebas 7th Grade

Jueves de Pruebas 8th Grade

Good Luck!
Teacher Lays Medeiros

Monday, September 5

Taller de Acompañamiento para estudiantes a Recuperar

Good Afternoon Students,

Here you have the Talleres de Acompañamiento for the students who did not pass a subject of mine.

Los talleres deben ser hechos por aquellos estudiantes que no pasaran en alguna materia, sea Science, Ingles, Social o Math. Hacer somente el taller de la materia perdida, las demas no necesitan hacer. Ejemplo, se el estudiante no paso en Math, debe hacer y entregar somente el taller correspondente a Math.


1. Los talleres deben ser entregues al profesor en el dia de la recuperacion.
2. No se recibira nada a computador, todo debe ser respondido a mano
3. En hojas blancas tamaño carta
4. Con normas ICONTEC
5. Al inicio del trabajo debe ir impreso el trabajo que esta en el blog.

Cualquier duda pregunteme que con mucho gusto les respondere.

Teacher Lays Medeiros

Love & Friendship Month!

Hello students!
This month we celebrate Love & Friendship Day! Here you have some phrases and quotes for you to inspire yourself!

Have a nice week!
Teacher Lays Medeiros

Saturday, August 27

Sintesis de 3 Periodo

Here you have the 3rd Term Summaries for those who didn't pass in any subject of mine so you can have the summary to study, but don't forget to study along with your notebook and module! Some texts and explanations are only there for you to read!

5th Grade Summary

6th Grade Summary

7th Grade Summary

8th Grade Summary

Good Luck and remember to never give up!

Teacher Lays

Indicadores de Logro 4 Periodo

Here you have the Indicadores de Logros from 4th Term

Click HERE to see the Indicadores the Logro from 4th,5th,6th,7th and 8th Grade.

Have a nice day!!

Teacher Lays

Indicadores de Logro 3 Periodo

Here you can see the Indicadores de Logro from 3rd term!

Click HERE to see the Indicadores the Logro form 4th,5th,6th,7th and 8th Grade.

Have a nice day, and don't forget a smile goes a long way!

Teacher Lays

Thursday, August 18

Jueves de Pruebas

Buenas Tardes students,

Aqui estan las condiciones para el Jueves de Pruebas de Ingles, Science, Social and Math:

  • Hojas BLANCAS, no seran aceptas otros tipos de hojas.
  • En la hoja de presentacion debe constar: NOMBRE, GRADO, NOMBRE DEL PROFESOR, NOMBRE DE LA MATERIA.
  • Carpetas Blancas (de hoja de vida).
  • El Jueves de Prueba deberá ser entregue el Jueves 25 de Agosto de 2011. No seran aceptos Jueves de Prueba entregues fuera del plazo.

Good Luck!!

Teacher Lays Medeiros

Wednesday, August 17

Thought of the Day

Tuesday, August 16

Always Remember!

Monday, August 15

Homeworks from week August 16th to August 19th

Hello students, these are this week's homework! Have fun!


6th Grade: Make a poster about the environment

7th Grade: Make a poster about how we can preserve our nature

8th Grade: Make a poster about how we can avoid all types of pollution


6th Grade: Do a summary about Alanis Morissette

7th Grade: Do a summary about Bryan Adams

8th Grade: Do a summary about Shania Twain


6th Grade: Draw 4 figures using Tangram pieces.

7th Grade: Make a paragraph about the origen of Sudoku.

8th Grade: Make an exercise with 3 questions about Abstract Reasoning.

Welcome Back!

Welcome from your vacation students!

Sunday, June 12

Talleres Recoveries

Good Morning Students,

Here you have the Talleres to help you study for the Recoveries,

Good Luck!

Lays Medeiros

Monday, June 6

Period Synthesis

Here you have the Period Synthesis!

It will help you study, along with your notebooks and modules!

5th Grade Synthesis
6th Grade Synthesis
7th Grade Synthesis
8th Grade Synthesis

Good Luck!

Teacher Lays Medeiros

Monday, May 23

Jueves de Pruebas

The Jueves de Pruebas should be delivered to teacher by Thursday (26/05) in white paper (doesn't need folders). It won't be accepted papers after this date.

Jueves de Pruebas 5th Grade
Jueves de Pruebas 6th Grade
Jueves de Pruebas 7th Grade
Jueves de Pruebas 8th Grade

Thank You and Good Luck

Teacher Lays Medeiros

Sunday, May 8


Hello students,

Here you have the indicadores de logro from 2nd term, from 5th GRADE to 8th GRADE
Any questions feel free to ask!

Have a good second term!

Profe Lays Medeiros

Friday, April 15

Test de acompañamiento pedagogico para estudiantes que deben recuperar (parte 2)

PRIMARIALos seguintes talleres de ENGLISH, SCIENCE, MATH Y SOCIAL deben ser entregues en el MARTES (26 de Abril de 2011).

Taller 5th Grade

BACHILLERATO: Los seguintes talleres de ENGLISH y SOCIAL deben ser entregues en el MARTES (26 de Abril de 2011).

OBS: Favor entregar los talleres: En hojas blancas y escritas a mano. 
(Haga somente lo de la materia que le corresponde. Se perdio Science, solo haga lo de Science.)

Taller 6th Social and English

Taller 7th Social and English

Taller 8th Social

Tuesday, April 12

Test de acompañamiento pedagogico para estudiantes que deben recuperar

Los seguintes talleres de SCIENCE y MATH deben ser entregues en el JUEVES (14 de Abril de 2011), el mismo dia q seran presentadas las recuperaciones por aquellos alumnos que perdieran Science o Math, o las dos.
Favor entregar los talleres: En hojas blancas y escritas a mano. 
(Haga somente lo de la materia que le corresponde. Se perdio Science, solo haga lo de Science.)

Taller Science and Math 6th Grade

Taller Science and Math 7th Grade

Taller Science and Math 8th Grade

Teacher Lays Medeiros

Wednesday, March 30

Summary Themes

Here you have the themes of 1st term in a summary, nevertheless I advise you to use your modules and notebook to study as well.
Aqui tienen los resumenes de los temas del 1er periodo, pero aun si los aconsejo que tambien utilizen los modulos y cuadernos para estudiar.

Thank you and good luck in the tests!!

Summary 5th Grade English, Science, Social and Math.

Summary 6th Grade English, Science, Social and Math.

Summary 7th Grade English, Science, Social and Math.

Summary 8th Grade Science, Social and Math.

Teacher Lays Medeiros

Thursday, March 24

Viernes de Pruebas

Hello students,
Here you have the 'Viernes de Pruebas'. I want them in white paper, and written by hand. This is do on MONDAY (28/03/2011).
Los Viernes de Pruebas deben ser entregues en hojas blancas, a mano, en el LUNES(28/03/2011).

  Grado 5

Grado 6
Grado 7
Grado 8

Wednesday, March 2


Here you have the week's homework (from March 7 to March 11)
Any Questions feel free to ask me.

Teacher Lays

Saturday, February 26

Indicadores de Logro

Good Afternoon Students!
Here you have the Indicadores de Logro from each grade, separated by subjects!
Any questions feel free to ask me!

Teacher Lays

Indicadores 5th Grade

Indicadores 6th Grade

Indicadores 7th Grade

Indicadores 8th Grade


Here you have this Weeks Homeworks.
Each homework it's place on the day they should be DELIVERED to the teacher.
Any questions feel free to ask .
Have a nice week everybody!

Sunday, February 6


I want to welcome all the students from San Sebastian School!
Let's enjoy this year and have a lot of fun improving our English!


Teacher Lays

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